Thursday, October 5, 2017

Letter to a New Outdoorsy Mother

Dear New Outdoorsy Mom,

I know you.  You want to get out there as soon as you can.  Sure, you are sleep deprived and still healing from childbirth, but you won't let that stop you.  Or rather, you're afraid that it will stop you.  You fear that part of your identity will be lost.  Right now your day consists of changing diapers, your boobs hurt, you're flabby like you have never been, and while you are so in love with a new little human, you wonder.  Is this what life is going to consist of from now on?  Does being a mom literally mean that taking a shower is the most exciting, rewarding goal of your day?  You don't know the answer to this... so you make goals.  Lofty goals.  Maybe even tougher goals than you had before you were pregnant.  You are going to climb a big wall.  Hike the PCT.  Kayak a class five.  Eight months should be enough time to accomplish your feat.  Yeah, you can make it happen.  You are very strong, after all.

While you probably could make it happen (like I said, you're very strong), I have to tell you that you don't have to.  Yes, you should make time for the things you love.  You should get outside as soon as you can.  But, new mom, this stage of life will not last forever.  You don't have to be afraid of losing your outdoorsy identity.  You don't need to overcompensate with lofty goals.  Take each day at a time.  Enjoy those new stroller walks with your sweet babe.  Walking to the park is OK for now.  You will climb a mountain again, and sooner than you think.  Time will slip away, and soon you will miss your little stroller buddy (side note- please do me a favor and don't go get a teacup poodle to start pushing in your stroller... then I will have to write you a completely different type of letter...).

My point is this, dear sweet new mommy, you have just done the most amazing thing ever: you grew and created a new little life.  Leave the "mom guilt" behind, and be free to be happy.  Someone said it best when they said, "the days are long, but the years are short."

Be free and be happy,