How much do you spend on groceries a month? This number can vary a lot depending on where you live, where you shop, how many people you are trying to feed, and how many times a month you eat out. If you don't know the answer to my question, I encourage you to track your spending to see where you can tighten up. Who wouldn't want to free up extra money to spend on fun stuff?!
In our family of three, we typically spend an average of about $300 per month on groceries. I didn't realize this was a fairly low amount until talking to various friends and family members. The first friend I told this amount to told me I was probably wrong in my calculations :)... Well, after tracking for a few months, turns out I was right! Actually, it is usually more like $250 per month, but I thought I would leave some wiggle room.
I thought I would share some tips with you all as to how we shop, in hopes that you can save some cash for other fun stuff!
(Keep in mind that we like to eat out 1-2 times per week, and we live in Southern CA, where I believe food is fairly affordable).
1. Focus on nutrient dense foods
2. Buy in bulk food items that will last a long time
3. Don't buy in to the Costco hype
4. Utilize leftovers
5. Only go grocery shopping 2 times per month
6. Stock up on staples
7. Don't drink your calories
8. Pay attention to price tags
9. Shop sales and know seasonal produce
We typically spend about $120-$130 per shopping trip, so monthly that adds up to an average of $250. However, there are sometimes odds and ends that we run to the local (more expensive) grocery store so I added a cushion of $50 in my typical average of $300. I hope this helps you, please comment if you have any money saving suggestions of your own!